Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Letter from President Darrington, 20 Oct 2009

Dear Elder Summers:

Congratulations on your call to be senior Companion. It is by the spirit of revelation that you have received this sacred calling. With this call will come an increased desire to teach all who have not yet come to the light and knowledge of the restored gospel.

Your call as a Senior Companion brings more responsibility and trust. Your studies are even more important than before. You will need to lead by example in every aspect of missionary work. Your diligent study of the scriptures and Preach My Gospel are essential to gaining insight into your duties. We encourage you to live by strict obedience and increase your understanding of the basic doctrine. Your ability to prepare and teach by the spirit will have a tremendous influence on you, your companion, and those you teach.

We promise you that the Lord will bless you as you are diligent and obedient in this sacred calling.