Hey Guys!
Well Ed charges were dropped so he should be good to. Elder D was in a bad mood today, good thing I'm going on exchange with Elder Peters! LOL! We commit Charles to be baptized and his date will be the last week in September. That's so sweet. I have had the best 2 months of my life out here. I have to just keep working hard. We are having a lot of good luck and the Lord is preparing people for us. We went to see Ed and set up another date for this Saturday! We are going on a Temple tour with the Hall's and Charles tonight and I can't wait. I tell everyone I meet that this is the true church. I just tell the truth. I am trying to be like the Prophets of old and I want to have the spirit with me always. God has prepared people and I want to find them. I really want to love the people and teach them by the spirit. Ok I just clean the mold out from under the stove and it was the worse thing I ever smelt. It was nasty. It was like old milk and stuff that boiled over and it made the whole house stink. Ok we had to drop Ed or I should say he dropped us. We went to talk to him and he gave us all our books back and said he didn't want anything to do with us. We went back later to talk to him and he didn't change his mind. So my knuckles are swollen from hitting the wall. I was so sad. Elder D. bought me some ice cream because I was crying. We have grown closer today because of it. We still have a date for Charles on the 26 of Sept...which is so far away. I hope he can withstand Satan, so please pray for him. I love him so much and I want him to have this in his life.I am so happy but at the same time super sad. I was pondering a pray that Charles gave. He said something like "Thank you Lord for sending these guys my way. You know that I have been searching." It touched me and boosted my faith. I really want to serve the Lord my whole life. I might teach @ the MTC when I get back. This is all that matters. I don't want to be a 2 year missionary, I want to be a missionary for life. We should find out transfers this Saturday.....I hope me and Elder D. stays here. We have so much going on and we are doing good. I'm growing so much and I love being out here. Is Jack doing okay? I'm getting a little worried about her? Tell her I said to make it to church every week, it's really more important than anything else! she needs to be sealed, she NEEDS to be SEALED, tell her for me please! I can't get it off my mind. Keep Cal close to the church. There is so much evil mom, it's time to step up our game! I will do all I can here but I need yours and Dad help! Just 2 years, then I will take over when I get back. The church is the most important thing we have. Without it we can't even be with our family's forever! Help me make the family understand that. Mom there are sooooo many people who don't understand the truth. We have to help them. It's so important! I have changed so much and I didn't understand unti I got out here, but now I will serve the Lord the best I can everyday for the rest of my life. That is why we are here to help each other get back to our Heavenly Father. Well sorry for being a preacher, but that is how I feel. Maybe I'm just in missionary mode, but I plan to do that and I'm not joking. I will serve the Lord until my last breath. Well I love you guys so much!
Elder Summers

Well Ed charges were dropped so he should be good to. Elder D was in a bad mood today, good thing I'm going on exchange with Elder Peters! LOL! We commit Charles to be baptized and his date will be the last week in September. That's so sweet. I have had the best 2 months of my life out here. I have to just keep working hard. We are having a lot of good luck and the Lord is preparing people for us. We went to see Ed and set up another date for this Saturday! We are going on a Temple tour with the Hall's and Charles tonight and I can't wait. I tell everyone I meet that this is the true church. I just tell the truth. I am trying to be like the Prophets of old and I want to have the spirit with me always. God has prepared people and I want to find them. I really want to love the people and teach them by the spirit. Ok I just clean the mold out from under the stove and it was the worse thing I ever smelt. It was nasty. It was like old milk and stuff that boiled over and it made the whole house stink. Ok we had to drop Ed or I should say he dropped us. We went to talk to him and he gave us all our books back and said he didn't want anything to do with us. We went back later to talk to him and he didn't change his mind. So my knuckles are swollen from hitting the wall. I was so sad. Elder D. bought me some ice cream because I was crying. We have grown closer today because of it. We still have a date for Charles on the 26 of Sept...which is so far away. I hope he can withstand Satan, so please pray for him. I love him so much and I want him to have this in his life.I am so happy but at the same time super sad. I was pondering a pray that Charles gave. He said something like "Thank you Lord for sending these guys my way. You know that I have been searching." It touched me and boosted my faith. I really want to serve the Lord my whole life. I might teach @ the MTC when I get back. This is all that matters. I don't want to be a 2 year missionary, I want to be a missionary for life. We should find out transfers this Saturday.....I hope me and Elder D. stays here. We have so much going on and we are doing good. I'm growing so much and I love being out here. Is Jack doing okay? I'm getting a little worried about her? Tell her I said to make it to church every week, it's really more important than anything else! she needs to be sealed, she NEEDS to be SEALED, tell her for me please! I can't get it off my mind. Keep Cal close to the church. There is so much evil mom, it's time to step up our game! I will do all I can here but I need yours and Dad help! Just 2 years, then I will take over when I get back. The church is the most important thing we have. Without it we can't even be with our family's forever! Help me make the family understand that. Mom there are sooooo many people who don't understand the truth. We have to help them. It's so important! I have changed so much and I didn't understand unti I got out here, but now I will serve the Lord the best I can everyday for the rest of my life. That is why we are here to help each other get back to our Heavenly Father. Well sorry for being a preacher, but that is how I feel. Maybe I'm just in missionary mode, but I plan to do that and I'm not joking. I will serve the Lord until my last breath. Well I love you guys so much!
Elder Summers
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