Hey Mom,
I went to a trunk and treat too! It was fun....we passed out candy and everything! It was a fun night! Yes we are working with new gators, but they aren't doing good. Everyone who says they are coming to church doesn't. I'm so sad....this lady flipped out on us the other night. She called the cops and was saying all these lies and calling us names. I couldn't take it anymore. I started to cry and bore my testimony. I couldn't hold it in....now she knows that I know the church is true!!! So the cops came and the only reason we stayed was because she told us to. The cop just told us to go, he wasn't mad or anything, he was on our side! It's weird I'm trying my hardest to change and keep my mind pure as well as my thoughts. So Satan has stepped up his game too! Girls have been wearing less clothes and people have been being bigger jerks! LOL! It's weird to see!!! I'm so sad for these people that have no idea! Is it fair that I know and they don't?? Why oh why won't they listen! Sometimes I can't take it but then I see the people I've helped and it fills me with so much joy!!! I want to help as many people as I can. Well enough of me crying!! So I loved the package...it was cool! My favorite part was seeing the pictures of Bentley!! It made me so homesick, I started to cry! I loved that quote in your letter bout " A missionary is someone who leaves his family for two years, so others can be with their family for eternity!" It's so true!!! The Temple looks really cool, thanks for the pictures! Hey don't worry I will sent your Questionnaire paper home today! Mom I'm sorry for all the crap I made you go through. I wish I was a better son but don't worry I will keep trying to better myself so I can make you even more proud of me, OK? Well I'm glad to hear about the Cowboys and to hear that Romo's not sucking anymore! That's good to hear!!! I'm glad Cal has no C's on her report card. I hope it stays that way! OK mom I love that CD and I have a favor to ask! Will you get the conference talks on CD and send them to me? And I still want a CD with that song bout President Hinckley's prayer....that one the girl sings, remember? You got it once for me!!! Well I still Love it out here and I love helping people....but I miss you guys!!! I love hearing from you all!! It is cooling down here too!! Tell Cal not to say "What the flip" and just don't do anything that will get her in trouble! So how's the house remodeling coming along! Good I hope!! What's up with everyone??? Is Basketball started for Cal yet??? Well I have to go!! No I don't know any Hays' but I will keep my eye open!!! K Love you!!! Elder Summers